FWCA: Brighton Downtown
FWCA: Sobeys, Brighton, Ontario
FWCA: Brighton Post Office
FWCA: Brighton Downtown
FWCA: Market Place Cafe, Brighton, ON
FWCA: Market Place Cafe, Brighton, ON
FWCA: Canada Flags
FWCA: Mandarin Garden, Brighton, ON
FWCA: Brighton, ON
FWCA: View from High Bluff campground
FWCA: View from High Bluff campground
FWCA: Nature Centre, Presqu'ile Provincial Park
FWCA: Lighthouse, Presqu'ile Provincial Park
FWCA: Found a doe
FWCA: Seagulls, these guys were waiting for us to feed them.
FWCA: Seagulls
FWCA: Lake Ontario view from Presqu'ile Provincial Park
FWCA: Seagulls
FWCA: A Seagull
FWCA: A lookout
FWCA: North side of Presqu'ile
FWCA: Government Dock, Brighton, ON
FWCA: Government Dock, Brighton, ON
FWCA: Turtle egg laying time, drive carefully!
FWCA: Trees
FWCA: National Air Force Museum of Canada
FWCA: National Air Force Museum of Canada
FWCA: National Air Force Museum of Canada
FWCA: National Air Force Museum of Canada
FWCA: National Air Force Museum of Canada