Karla Pitts: I'll bring the turkey...
Karla Pitts: Welcome!
Karla Pitts: morning has broken
Karla Pitts: checking out our Charlie Brown tree
Karla Pitts: point of view
Karla Pitts: it's not too late
Karla Pitts: These are welcome signs on a road trip when you need to
Karla Pitts: fashion tip
Karla Pitts: 'When snow melts, what does it become?'
Karla Pitts: Petal Head
Karla Pitts: travelled
Karla Pitts: spring fling
Karla Pitts: sparkle
Karla Pitts: He is Risen!
Karla Pitts: "The earth laughs in flowers." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Karla Pitts: a life joyous wih light and flowers
Karla Pitts: cat in the bath
Karla Pitts: the raspberries
Karla Pitts: Happy Fathers' Day!
Karla Pitts: tea party
Karla Pitts: the watcher
Karla Pitts: breakfast
Karla Pitts: R A I N