williampolm: WN halfpan box installed inside sketchbook
williampolm: WN halfpan box folded inside sketchbook
williampolm: Minimal outdoor WC sketching kit
williampolm: Close up of converted Moleskine--pad of paper removed
williampolm: WN halfpan box folded and secured with rubber band
williampolm: Folded WN halfpan box velcro-ed to plastic sheet
williampolm: Cotman mini watercolor box velcro-ed to plastic sheet
williampolm: Notebook for the Field
williampolm: Latest Field Idea: the Outdoor Palette Table
williampolm: Main porcelain palette
williampolm: My porcelain palette setup--detailsl
williampolm: Quiller Portable
williampolm: cover of my current journal--Dec 2008
williampolm: serious field sketching setup
williampolm: Quiller Porcelain Palette