bikamper: Penny Farthing
bikamper: Steffys Motorcycle
bikamper: Star Safety
bikamper: Making a Face
bikamper: A Big Smile
bikamper: Model A Ford Pick Up
bikamper: Willys Jeep
bikamper: US Army Jeep
bikamper: US Army Jeep
bikamper: US Army Jeep
bikamper: Willys Jeep
bikamper: Willys Jeep
bikamper: Trucks in Front
bikamper: Advance Design Chevy
bikamper: Biplanes
bikamper: Biplanes
bikamper: Biplanes
bikamper: Biplanes
bikamper: Biplane Takining Off
bikamper: Biplane Taking Off
bikamper: Sopwith Camel
bikamper: Mrs. B
bikamper: Biplane Taxiing
bikamper: Biplane Taxiing
bikamper: Biplane Taxiing
bikamper: Starting the Biplane
bikamper: Karis and Grandpas' Head
bikamper: Karis and Grandpas' Head
bikamper: Biplanes
bikamper: Biplanes