john.sherry57: Glencarron House
john.sherry57: herbertshirepaper1908
john.sherry57: lodge by Andrew Heiton Jnr.
john.sherry57: 2002_0302Image0021
john.sherry57: Glencarron House & lawns thanks to John Jack.
john.sherry57: DSCF0623
john.sherry57: 2002_0302Image0025
john.sherry57: 2002_0302Image0017
john.sherry57: Carronglen house
john.sherry57: 18 views War memorial entrance Glencarron house
john.sherry57: Carronglen house
john.sherry57: Window seat
john.sherry57: 46 views stained glass window
john.sherry57: Fireplace
john.sherry57: Carronglen House open days 13 & 14th September 2008
john.sherry57: Through the window office building
john.sherry57: 2002_0302Image0024
john.sherry57: Carrongrove paper company limited Denny
john.sherry57: Inveresk plc
john.sherry57: DSCF0784
john.sherry57: Glencarron house Duncan - owners name
john.sherry57: Glencarron house Staircase sketch
john.sherry57: Glencarron house Ceiling plasterwork 2
john.sherry57: Glencarron house Ceiling plasterwork 1 How beautiful this house must have looked in 1862!
john.sherry57: Glencarron house from the B818 Denny to Fintry road 14 October 2008
john.sherry57: Andrew Duncan Memorial headstone. Located at Denny Old Parish Church Denny Cross.
john.sherry57: Reading from Andrew Duncan headstone.
john.sherry57: Merry Christmas to all and Best Wishes for 2010