PickFess: Bobcat walking away on the left side of the view.
PickFess: 4 Deer entering from the right
PickFess: Coyotes X2
PickFess: Deer
PickFess: Coyote and Owl
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: Coyote
PickFess: BobcatClose
PickFess: CatMouse1
PickFess: 5Deer
PickFess: Fawn
PickFess: Turkey Vulture
PickFess: Deer
PickFess: Stubby
PickFess: Doe and Fawn
PickFess: 3 Deer
PickFess: Scared Deer
PickFess: CoyoteCorn1