susana_helle: DSC_0834af
susana_helle: DSC_0599f
susana_helle: On the streets of Kathmandu
susana_helle: DSC_0836f
susana_helle: DSC_0831f
susana_helle: Indian Temple
susana_helle: Durbar Square
susana_helle: Buddha for sale
susana_helle: Downtown Kathmandu
susana_helle: Purple Heron
susana_helle: DSC_0837_01f
susana_helle: DSC_0707f
susana_helle: Local Indian man
susana_helle: DSC_0784f
susana_helle: Sunset
susana_helle: Local Indian woman
susana_helle: Washing by the ghats
susana_helle: Chinese Fishing nets
susana_helle: Church
susana_helle: Sunset
susana_helle: Sunset
susana_helle: DSC_1076_01f
susana_helle: Fishermen
susana_helle: Sunset
susana_helle: DSC_0508_01f
susana_helle: Goddess
susana_helle: P1010590f