Mitzi Penuel: April 19-2009 Caitlin Julie Johnny Hallie
Mitzi Penuel: Johnny and Paul
Mitzi Penuel: Julie Hallie, Caitlin 4-19-2009
Mitzi Penuel: Two walking in the rain by The Natahala River 4-19-2009
Mitzi Penuel: Wedding Reception 4-25-2009 The Club Johnny,Mitzi,Paul and Julie
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and his side,Julie and her side of Famlies
Mitzi Penuel: Julie checks cake
Mitzi Penuel: Brides parents
Mitzi Penuel: Grooms Uncle Bill and Granny
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and New inlaws and Uncle Bill Aunt Louise
Mitzi Penuel: Granddaddy and Grandmother and Chuck Kristi Jennifer DeBardeleben girls
Mitzi Penuel: Erin,Marin,Neva
Mitzi Penuel: flower toss
Mitzi Penuel: centerpieces
Mitzi Penuel: Aya caught the flowers
Mitzi Penuel: Kayaker on wave
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and Julie newly weds
Mitzi Penuel: Greg and Johnny Wedding Reception
Mitzi Penuel: Julie and Wedding Cake
Mitzi Penuel: Charolette and Johnny and The DeBardeleben girls
Mitzi Penuel: Dagney Paul Piper
Mitzi Penuel: Paul a moment of silents
Mitzi Penuel: Paul Kayak Ice Julie
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and Julie Wedding Reception The Club 4-25-09
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and Julie 4-25-09 Wedding Recepetion
Mitzi Penuel: Jacob and Friend Wedding Reception
Mitzi Penuel: Paul and Julie listen to song Aunt Louise in back ground
Mitzi Penuel: Reflections Paul and Julie
Mitzi Penuel: Cutting the cake Paul and Julie
Mitzi Penuel: Jacob Easter 2009