Mitzi Penuel: Poppa 2006 Christmas
Mitzi Penuel: The Christmas stockings 2006
Mitzi Penuel: Johnny and Jacob 2006 Dec.Christmas Tree
Mitzi Penuel: Mom and Jacob 2006
Mitzi Penuel: 2006 Nov.Caitlin 12 just a little dance with POPPA
Mitzi Penuel: Dec.2007 CAE 13 and MIMI' O'Christmas Tree
Mitzi Penuel: Dec.07 Jessica and Jacob
Mitzi Penuel: Yes the Christmas tree is up 2007
Mitzi Penuel: Nov.07 BJ Tatum Caitlin Amelia Dagney DeBardeleben and Jacob
Mitzi Penuel: Nov.2007 Caitlin Dagney Tatum Amelia Visit The North Pole Village
Mitzi Penuel: Thanksgiving 2007 All Girls and Christmas Tree
Mitzi Penuel: Christmas party Lupus Group 2006
Mitzi Penuel: Chuck Kristi Al and Paul 2006
Mitzi Penuel: The Grandkids and Grandmother, Johnny,2006
Mitzi Penuel: Christmas Dance 2006 age12
Mitzi Penuel: Christmas dance 2006"THE RED DRESS"
Mitzi Penuel: By the O Christmas Tree 12-1-2007-Tatum 6,Caitlin 13 ,Amelia 9mos. (4 Dagney and Jacob
Mitzi Penuel: North Pole Village
Mitzi Penuel: THE PICKLE IN THE PICKLE JAR SO Caitlin can fine the PICKLE.
Mitzi Penuel: Dec.19-1976-30 year Wedding Anniversary Faberge' Egg
Mitzi Penuel: 30th Anniversary Swan in Faberge' Egg-25th Anniversary Dec.19 -1976 Faberge' Egg
Mitzi Penuel: Anniversary Eggs Faberge' Wedding Dec.19-1976
Mitzi Penuel: Faberge' Eggs gifts from inside eggs.
Mitzi Penuel: Faberge' eggs gifts swan and elephant
Mitzi Penuel: THE SMITH's 2008
Mitzi Penuel: Caitlin and Ella 14 Dec. 2008
Mitzi Penuel: Christmas 2008 Caitlin and Ella
Mitzi Penuel: Caitlin 14 and Rachel
Mitzi Penuel: Cousins 2008
Mitzi Penuel: Julie Paul Caitli (14) Jacob Dec 2008