Sebastian Petermann: a perfect pint ...
Sebastian Petermann: Guinness Werkslok No. 47
Sebastian Petermann: Have a jar - at the Railway Bar!
Sebastian Petermann: Lovely nigh ... for a Guinness
Sebastian Petermann: Botteled - GUINNESS
Sebastian Petermann: Guinness - for sure!
Sebastian Petermann: Minion Dave and his first pint of Guinness
Sebastian Petermann: Guinness Toucan
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland: Guinness´ new "West Indies"
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland: Guinness´ new "Dublin Porter"
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland analog: new arrival from Guinness
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland analog: new arrival from Guinness
Sebastian Petermann: have a jar - at the airport bar!
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland: Lovely day for a ...
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland (analog): GUINNESS´ bottle series
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland (analog): GUINNESS´ bottle series
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland (analog): GUINNESS´ bottle series
Sebastian Petermann: Ireland (analog): Guinness