dj pettitt: journal front cover
dj pettitt: journal back cover
dj pettitt: journal spine
dj pettitt: lining on the inside front cover
dj pettitt: lining on inside of back cover
dj pettitt: signature wrap
dj pettitt: Book Bag
dj pettitt: Book Bag
dj pettitt: Book Bag close up
dj pettitt: journal
dj pettitt: crow painting journal
dj pettitt: nest painting journal back cover
dj pettitt: journal spine
dj pettitt: She breathed a song into the air
dj pettitt: in the heart of a friend
dj pettitt: a new song
dj pettitt: pondering noble thoughts
dj pettitt: little luxuries
dj pettitt: rejoice in love
dj pettitt: a perfect spot