jessicacharlton: We served CHEEEEAAAAPPPP booze. I faked some caligraphy labels and slapped 'em on the bottles. No one had to look at the real labels, but the bartender could still tell what he was pouring.
jessicacharlton: Me and Frank gettin' spooky
jessicacharlton: Nametags! The field on the right reads "a drawing of the state or country I'm from." Anthony is from New York.
jessicacharlton: My cousin, Erin Brown, filling out the scrapbook-style guest book.
jessicacharlton: Paper bunting with lit globe light strands.
jessicacharlton: Midway-style illuminated letters
jessicacharlton: My midway lights!
jessicacharlton: Midway lights at the wedding
jessicacharlton: Midway lights in b&w
jessicacharlton: it's almost like we love each other
jessicacharlton: getting cozy
jessicacharlton: fixing the window