Rob Murota: American Robin
Rob Murota: Northern Flicker
Rob Murota: Northern Flicker (male)
Rob Murota: Rack of Double-crested Cormorants
Rob Murota: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Rob Murota: Dark-eyed Junco
Rob Murota: BC Bud
Rob Murota: Early spring in The Sanctuary
Rob Murota: The Sanctuary, Hastings Park
Rob Murota: Bushtit and cherry blossoms
Rob Murota: Bushtit and cherry blossoms
Rob Murota: Bushtit and cherry blossoms
Rob Murota: American Robin - Leucistic
Rob Murota: American Widgeon on the dark side
Rob Murota: A very young and tousled humming bird
Rob Murota: A very young and tousled humming bird
Rob Murota: Northern Flicker Tryptych
Rob Murota: European Starling
Rob Murota: and the winner is....
Rob Murota: Battle of the dos (and don'ts)