Annie Seikonia: Alex Landry and Chris Danse
Annie Seikonia: Alex Landry and Chris Danse
Annie Seikonia: Part of the Feast
Annie Seikonia: Cindy Bachelder Slices Pie
Annie Seikonia: Chris Danse Prepares the Meal
Annie Seikonia: Collete Bouchard and Mabel Dunsmore
Annie Seikonia: Awaiting the Dinner
Annie Seikonia: Bayside Neighbors
Annie Seikonia: A Bayside Neighbor
Annie Seikonia: Children at the BNA Harvest Dinner
Annie Seikonia: BNA Volunteers Prepare the Meal
Annie Seikonia: Bayside Neighobrs Line Up for the Dinner
Annie Seikonia: Ron Spinella and Tom Blackburn
Annie Seikonia: Enjoying Pumpkin Pie at the Harvest Dinner
Annie Seikonia: Kevin Donaghue and Steve Hirshon
Annie Seikonia: Kevin Donaghue and Steve Hirshon
Annie Seikonia: Alex Landry and Kevin Donaghue
Annie Seikonia: Bayside Neighbors At the Dinner
Annie Seikonia: Bayside Community Members
Annie Seikonia: Bayside Map
Annie Seikonia: Rep Herb Adams Presents Certificate
Annie Seikonia: A Past BNA Founder Speaks
Annie Seikonia: State of Maine Recognition of BNA
Annie Seikonia: State of Maine Recognition of BNA
Annie Seikonia: State of Maine Recognition of BNA
Annie Seikonia: State of Maine Recognition of BNA