Shoumit: Holding a little bit of the sky
Shoumit: Sangla Kanda, HP, India
Shoumit: Pika
Shoumit: Road to Karcham
Shoumit: Pika
Shoumit: Baspa river
Shoumit: Local peak near Chitkul, India
Shoumit: The path to the Tibet border - Chitkul, India
Shoumit: Cloud serpent
Shoumit: Sky torch
Shoumit: Baspa River, HP, India
Shoumit: Kinner Kailash Range
Shoumit: Sangla Kanda, HP, India
Shoumit: Himalayan Rubythroat
Shoumit: Common stonechat with the beautiful golden green background
Shoumit: Rock Bunting