jasamataz: Milkweed Visitor
jasamataz: Bumble Bee on stachys byzantina (lambs ears)
jasamataz: Bumble Bee on stachys byzantina (lambs ears)
jasamataz: Flight Path of the Bumble Bee
jasamataz: Bumblebee on ~Centaurea stoebe~ Spotted Knapweed
jasamataz: Tip Toeing Through the Lamb's Ears
jasamataz: Bumblebee on Tufted Vetch
jasamataz: Let me out!
jasamataz: Wing 2
jasamataz: Potter Wasp (Euodynerus spp.) on Sedum Kamtschaticum, Stonecrop
jasamataz: Bumblebee on Lamb's-ear (Stachys byzantina)
jasamataz: Bumblebee
jasamataz: Slightly Tattered
jasamataz: It's gotta be down here somewhere
jasamataz: Cucumber Blossom
jasamataz: Accidental Selfie
jasamataz: Honey Bee on "Cosmic Orange" Cosmos
jasamataz: Sleeping Bumblebee
jasamataz: Perdita, Fairy Bee
jasamataz: Mandatory Sunflower Photo
jasamataz: Honeybee on Mint
jasamataz: Table for Two
jasamataz: Catching a Ride in the Wind
jasamataz: Perdita Pit Stops
jasamataz: Apis mellifera
jasamataz: Honey Bee on "Autumn Joy" Sedum
jasamataz: Sleeping Bee
jasamataz: Hello there!
jasamataz: Paper Wasp
jasamataz: Wing