colorandtexture: Louis in his favorite chair
colorandtexture: DSCF0738.jpg
colorandtexture: DSCF0760.jpg
colorandtexture: DSCF0744.jpg
colorandtexture: DSCF0769.jpg
colorandtexture: gutting a toy
colorandtexture: so proud
colorandtexture: curling up.jpg
colorandtexture: sam1.jpg
colorandtexture: samagaom.jpg
colorandtexture: sleeping2.jpg
colorandtexture: sleeping
colorandtexture: running the fence
colorandtexture: baby louis
colorandtexture: Sophie 2001-2008
colorandtexture: Jack 1995-2008
colorandtexture: needle felted Louis
colorandtexture: the real Louis
colorandtexture: Louis 2/27/09
colorandtexture: Louis, Sam & my Mister
colorandtexture: Louis & Sam
colorandtexture: Louis & Sam
colorandtexture: Louis & Sam
colorandtexture: so interesting . . .