ChristinaLEvans: Northern Parula on Flatwoods Plum
ChristinaLEvans: Golden-winged Warbler - male
ChristinaLEvans: Portrait of a Common Yellowthroat
ChristinaLEvans: Worm-eating Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: Hooded Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: American Redstart male - take 2
ChristinaLEvans: White-eyed Vireo
ChristinaLEvans: Blue-headed Vireo
ChristinaLEvans: Canada Warbler -- super yard bird.
ChristinaLEvans: Farewell to 2009
ChristinaLEvans: Northern Cardinal
ChristinaLEvans: Palm Warbler and Virginia creeper leaf
ChristinaLEvans: Prothonotary Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: White-winged Dove
ChristinaLEvans: Red-eyed Vireo
ChristinaLEvans: Eastern Screech-owl
ChristinaLEvans: Painted Bunting
ChristinaLEvans: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
ChristinaLEvans: Kentucky Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: Portrait of a Kentucky Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: Common Yellowthroat
ChristinaLEvans: Am I Blue? - Indigo Bunting
ChristinaLEvans: Common Yellowthroat / Fetterbush
ChristinaLEvans: Yellow-billed Cuckoo Gleaning
ChristinaLEvans: Prothonotary Warbler
ChristinaLEvans: Prairie Warbler in Wild Coffee