peanut shell: Knitting Progress #1
peanut shell: In Vancouver
peanut shell: Knitting Progress #2
peanut shell: Knitting Progress #3
peanut shell: Late Night Meal
peanut shell: Canada as a Doughnut
peanut shell: Warm Trees
peanut shell: Yarn Lizard
peanut shell: The Canal
peanut shell: Maple Candy
peanut shell: Rob on the Canal
peanut shell: Striped Wall
peanut shell: Indigo
peanut shell: Skates
peanut shell: Rob Skating
peanut shell: Me on the Canal
peanut shell: Skating and Beaver Tails
peanut shell: Missed
peanut shell: New Glasses
peanut shell: Haggis
peanut shell: Knitting Progress #4
peanut shell: Iron Work
peanut shell: Centennial Flame
peanut shell: The Tower
peanut shell: Squirrel!
peanut shell: Mango Salad