peanut shell: Sewing it up
peanut shell: Sewing Layers together
peanut shell: Adding Embellishments
peanut shell: Foundation Piecing
peanut shell: Cowslip
peanut shell: Stockiemuir
peanut shell: Target
peanut shell: Cranachan
peanut shell: Project Bag
peanut shell: Birkin
peanut shell: DSC_0985
peanut shell: Foxglove
peanut shell: Ardnamurchan
peanut shell: Asphodel
peanut shell: Cowslip
peanut shell: Lochan
peanut shell: Toggles
peanut shell: Swinging
peanut shell: Tea, Leaves, and Mittens
peanut shell: Mittens and Leaves
peanut shell: Mittens and Tea
peanut shell: Tea and Leaves
peanut shell: Scrappy Mittens