genibee: flirty gladiator
genibee: fresco in herculaneum
genibee: columns in herculaneum
genibee: Herculaneum street
genibee: perugia window
genibee: San Pietro Medieval Garden, Perugia
genibee: panorama of herculaneum
genibee: venice buildings
genibee: herculaneum road
genibee: via del aqueducto
genibee: House of the Deer Herculaneum
genibee: Padova central piazza
genibee: levels of the city herculaneum
genibee: garden frescos herculaneum
genibee: womens baths herculaneum
genibee: herculaneum with vesuvius
genibee: Perugia window with flowers
genibee: swallows at twilight, Perugia
genibee: View from the Orto Botanico dell'Università di Perugia
genibee: cropped perugia window with flowers
genibee: Giranapoli ticket
genibee: Capri ticket
genibee: Rooftops of Perugia
genibee: roommates in Perugia: Christina, Julia and Michiko
genibee: Barcaccia Fountain, Spanish Steps
genibee: Peristyle garden, Herculaneum
genibee: Buffy the cat, Perugia window
genibee: Street, Herculaneum
genibee: Sitting in the Roman Forum, 1998