crujiente75: CIMG3579
crujiente75: CIMG3587
crujiente75: CIMG3588
crujiente75: CIMG3593
crujiente75: CIMG3598
crujiente75: Quito old town
crujiente75: Quito new town
crujiente75: View from cable car in Quito. Quito is approximately 2,800m high, and this was 4000m. Very difficult to breathe at the top!
crujiente75: Tom amuses himself
crujiente75: Quito by night
crujiente75: Relaxing in Otavalo
crujiente75: Futurama fans; Bender's post TV career has been discovered.
crujiente75: Saturday markets in Otavalo. Tom is not a good shopping partner, and we never got round to getting a rug.
crujiente75: Look at the wires for birds' nests.
crujiente75: Waterfall on outskirts of Otavalo.