CitySor: Litter in the yard
CitySor: do not disturb
CitySor: januar-08 044
CitySor: januar-08 056
CitySor: Boromir - Anton
CitySor: Boromir - Anton
CitySor: Anton - Boromir
CitySor: Boromir
CitySor: Januar 2008 085
CitySor: Anton late night
CitySor: Boromir
CitySor: my mark
CitySor: about to nap
CitySor: Anton
CitySor: Anton
CitySor: cat, baseball glove, lighthouses, Sonny Rollins
CitySor: Blurry bite
CitySor: he doesn't read lense manuals
CitySor: enjoying the sun
CitySor: at window
CitySor: looking thru window
CitySor: peacefull
CitySor: I'm here too
CitySor: cat in the bag
CitySor: helping with dishes
CitySor: Watching tv with me
CitySor: roarrrrr
CitySor: trio
CitySor: on a pedistal
CitySor: Athene misses her mother