shu tu: i was almost in tears when i saw this....
shu tu: mom, dad and my ugly bro.
shu tu: very chinese gifts...
shu tu: thank you!
shu tu: no, i wasn't crying. was rubbing my nose.
shu tu: IMG_1662.JPG
shu tu: seaweed wrap
shu tu: snacks
shu tu: more food- chinese will never starve.
shu tu: nan- our lovely host.
shu tu: hi isabel
shu tu: cheers to the bride- me!
shu tu: trying to get the girls drunk.
shu tu: what is kye's favorite body part of shu's?
shu tu: which movie star does shu reminds kye of?
shu tu: story time- when i first met kye.....
shu tu: more stories- the 2nd time i met kye...
shu tu: party
shu tu: angela!
shu tu: rachel and yk
shu tu: princess give out food to the poor.
shu tu: julia & shu
shu tu: IMG_1745.JPG
shu tu: IMG_1747.JPG
shu tu: me and jkkkk
shu tu: behind the scene.
shu tu: behind the kitchen
shu tu: thanks rani for the beautiful scented goodies.
shu tu: thanks rachel for the sake cups- my new obsessions.
shu tu: thanks kinuko and yk for reading my mind.