kitbarn75: sunset takes a bite of the earth
kitbarn75: Meeting spot: Roof of Africa (Windhoek)
kitbarn75: Loading the Bus.
kitbarn75: Briefing
kitbarn75: Getting started
kitbarn75: View from the bus
kitbarn75: Roadside shacks
kitbarn75: Wow, we're really in Africa!
kitbarn75: restroom
kitbarn75: Termite Mounds!
kitbarn75: We made it!
kitbarn75: Welcome Committee
kitbarn75: Hornbill
kitbarn75: The Waterberg Plateau
kitbarn75: Home Base: The "Hot Spot"
kitbarn75: Dr. Laurie Marker welcomes us to CCF.
kitbarn75: Hurray for Cabin 6!
kitbarn75: Stephanie explains the Guard Dogs
kitbarn75: so Pettable
kitbarn75: Puppy Attack!
kitbarn75: In-house creamery
kitbarn75: Cheetah Watching
kitbarn75: Cheetah ignoring us
kitbarn75: Juliet, Laurie, & cheetahs
kitbarn75: Ready to Run
kitbarn75: Puff Adder looks puffy.
kitbarn75: Good bye, Puff Adder.
kitbarn75: Dan explains the oryx horn worms
kitbarn75: dinner time
kitbarn75: Cheetah!