Melebeth: why have you betrayed me?
Melebeth: The Most Beautiful Dog in the World
Melebeth: Crossed Paws
Melebeth: wiggle dance
Melebeth: The Paw That Refreshes
Melebeth: I don't know why, but I really like this shot.
Melebeth: The World's Fuzziest 'Tocks
Melebeth: Another Sad Day In The Life of a Keeshond
Melebeth: wiggle dance
Melebeth: Keeshonden Are Moody
Melebeth: That's The Funniest Thing I've Ever Heard
Melebeth: Where's The Head?
Melebeth: I Use My Paws As Hands
Melebeth: Mmmm... Shoes
Melebeth: wiggle dance
Melebeth: Fuzzy Belly
Melebeth: CC Witch
Melebeth: This is my good side
Melebeth: Witchy Poo II
Melebeth: Side Show CC
Melebeth: Mmm. Mom hand!
Melebeth: I'm Cute
Melebeth: Artistic Paws
Melebeth: Tasty Carpet!
Melebeth: What Is That Black Box?
Melebeth: snownap