.^.Blanksy: giving as the angels give
.^.Blanksy: Now like a singing air creature I feel the Rose Keep opening. .. Hafiz
George Plakides: In the Reptile House
Wales and beyond: African daisies
werner_austria: 12-21 9078A_Morgenfrost
IVa e vieni 1: Carnevale
AlCapitol: USA - Utah - Arches National Park
Stephen B53: Seeing double!
Alfred Koppel: Storch_03
[NoMatter]: Lavra
[NoMatter]: City Mountain
[NoMatter]: 100420-3
[NoMatter]: 230121-16
[NoMatter]: 20210826-Montenegro_257
.^.Blanksy: Crepuscular light series
.^.Blanksy: Fade into you
.^.Blanksy: Crepuscular light series
.^.Blanksy: “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”.. Dr Seuss
fabio.c.: Sea Cloud II
.^.Blanksy: Morning has broken
Bumbus: Chuckwalla
sergiotumm: Tempio di Poseidone
fabio.c.: Waves
fabio.c.: To infinity and beyond!
fabio.c.: Sicily is the clue to everything
fabio.c.: Sunrise