CraftyPod: A surprise rainstorm woke him up from his daylong nap.
CraftyPod: Someone tactfully suggests that I don't need to be on the computer right now. He generally knows best.
CraftyPod: One of us is sleeping all upside-down-head; the other is making more coffee. #nodeadlinesforcats
CraftyPod: He actually managed to launch iTunes and start playing a song. #talent
CraftyPod: The studio intern helps me make templates by plopping down on the uncut pages.
CraftyPod: He's glad to see me home, but being characteristically solemn about it. #mrstoneface #smilingontheinside
CraftyPod: Pushkin Enjoys the Manly Quilt
CraftyPod: pushkin-stretch
CraftyPod: Having a great big SQUEEE over a beautiful bundle of scraps that just arrived from @cookoorikoo. Someone else shares my joy.
CraftyPod: His Pensive Look
CraftyPod: pushkin-newquilt
CraftyPod: Laying about in the sun makes a guy sleepy. Then he's gotta lay about on some patchwork.
CraftyPod: The new intern is a soothing presence, but he seems to impede productivity.
CraftyPod: Got some fresh catloaf over here if anybody wants some.
CraftyPod: A wee bit grumpy this evening for some reason. Not sure what I did.
CraftyPod: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Mom! Hey!"
CraftyPod: Fondly recalling the roast chicken bits he got during the Hooman Mealtime.
CraftyPod: Doing some reading together. #cantgetup
CraftyPod: If this cat were to record an album of 70's soft-rock ballads, this would be the cover. #amiright?
CraftyPod: "Mom is super busy this week, but don't worry. I'm resting enough for both of us."
CraftyPod: Supervisor.
CraftyPod: I'm amazed he wants lap-time in this heat.
CraftyPod: Mr. P helping me out as I work from bed today. #hack #cough #sniffle
CraftyPod: "I do not see your camera. I do not hear your repeated requests to look at it. Just give up, willya Mom?"
CraftyPod: Not entirely happy with me for being gone all day, three days in a row.
CraftyPod: "Don't shoot from that angle, Mom - you'll make my butt look big."
CraftyPod: He showed up in the office, demanding a meeting. #boss
CraftyPod: The heat's starting to break & he's perking up a little.
CraftyPod: The crochet rug is proving an excellent Lap Time option.
CraftyPod: Well sure... I can always work later. It's your call, Mr. Cat.