Sandra Whiteway: Phallic symbols from Maltese Megalithic Temples
Sandra Whiteway: Venus of Malta, Hagar Qim, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: Megalithic Altar, Tarxien Temples, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: The sleeping lady (or Venus)
Sandra Whiteway: White Female Figurine, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: megalithic artifacts, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: Large basin
Sandra Whiteway: Female Figurine, Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: Circular carvings from Tarxien Temples, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: Carved Stone Altar
Sandra Whiteway: Hagar Qim Temple
Sandra Whiteway: Hagar Qim
Sandra Whiteway: Hagar Qim Temple
Sandra Whiteway: Megalithic Block from Tarxien Temples, Malta
Sandra Whiteway: Art from Maltas Neolithic sites
Sandra Whiteway: Large Maltese Neolithic Venus
Sandra Whiteway: Entrance at Manjdra Temples
Sandra Whiteway: Fat Lady Relief Slabs at Hagar Qim
Sandra Whiteway: Mnajdra Temples Entrance
Sandra Whiteway: Openings in Mnajdra Temples