Sandra Whiteway: Bronze in Capitoline Museum
Sandra Whiteway: Etruscan Bronze Capitoline She-Wolf
Sandra Whiteway: Krater of Mithridates V Eupator
Sandra Whiteway: Palazzo dei Conservatori Courtyard
Sandra Whiteway: Colossal Statue of Sitting Rome
Sandra Whiteway: Bust of Commodus as Hercules
Sandra Whiteway: Bust of Medusa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Sandra Whiteway: Chandalier at the Palzzo dei Conservatori
Sandra Whiteway: Artemis of Ephesus
Sandra Whiteway: Roman Chariot
Sandra Whiteway: Head of Dionysos
Sandra Whiteway: Head of a centaur
Sandra Whiteway: herdules in gilded bronze
Sandra Whiteway: Marcus Aurelius Bronze
Sandra Whiteway: Relief from honorary monument to Marcus Aurelius 2
Sandra Whiteway: Relief from honorary monument to Marcus Aurelius
Sandra Whiteway: torso of triton
Sandra Whiteway: Battle between Horatii and Curiatii
Sandra Whiteway: Finding of the She Wolf
Sandra Whiteway: Rape of the Sabine Women
Sandra Whiteway: Statue of Pope Urban VIII
Sandra Whiteway: Details on Sarcophagus in Capitoline Museum
Sandra Whiteway: Fountain in the form of a cratere with Dionysiac scenes
Sandra Whiteway: Fountain in the form of a horn-shaped drinking cup (rhyton)
Sandra Whiteway: Fresco from Hall of the Horti of Maecenas
Sandra Whiteway: Sacophagus
Sandra Whiteway: Sarcophagus in Capitoline Museum
Sandra Whiteway: Sculpture in the Capitoline Museum
Sandra Whiteway: “Capitoline Gaul” sculpture
Sandra Whiteway: Close up of the “Capitoline Gaul” sculpture