jefg99: Rainbow Swan
jefg99: Lions on a Hunt
jefg99: Feeding the Fish
jefg99: Musk Ox
jefg99: Oryx
jefg99: Hermit Crab
jefg99: After Awhile You All Look Alike
jefg99: OK Mom, We're Done Now. Mom?
jefg99: Swimming With the Fishes
jefg99: Some Kind of Insect
jefg99: "Docent, there's a fly on my brochure"
jefg99: Ummm..did you see something move just then?
jefg99: Bug on a Leaf
jefg99: Species Unknown
jefg99: Well, we can still be friends
jefg99: Stinkbug on Waiting Room Floor
jefg99: Hmmm...Lady, that purse looks familiar
jefg99: What a Croc!
jefg99: Eye of the Gator
jefg99: Mother Duck on Guard
jefg99: No Ugly Duckling Here
jefg99: Fancy Pigeon
jefg99: Another Fancy Pigeon
jefg99: A Eye in Your Hare?
jefg99: Yet Another Fancy Pigeon
jefg99: #1 On This Cat's Bucket List
jefg99: Goose