jefg99: Tomorrowland
jefg99: Haunted Mansion Entrance
jefg99: County-Provided Mood Lighting
jefg99: College Transportation
jefg99: Cocoa Beach Pier
jefg99: Cathedral in St. Augustine
jefg99: Castillo San Marcos
jefg99: Flagler College Entrance
jefg99: Ceiling, Flagler College
jefg99: St. Augustine Rowboat
jefg99: Rowboat Off Saint Augustine Shore
jefg99: St. Augustine Cross
jefg99: St. Augustine Fountain
jefg99: Castillo St. Marcos
jefg99: Of course that's their house, the 23rd from the right, 17th down.
jefg99: I've been bad, so I put myself on a self-imposed timeout
jefg99: Florida Storm Clouds
jefg99: Room With A View
jefg99: Tried As I Could...
jefg99: Drying Out After The Storm
jefg99: And Then The Sun Was Out
jefg99: Here, the Dolphins Approach the Beach
jefg99: And Here, I'm a Tad Close to the Dolphins
jefg99: Often the Wildlife Travelled in Pairs
jefg99: Here's a Pair, Ever Aware of Interlopers
jefg99: And Then There Are Some Totally Oblivious to Their Surroundings
jefg99: Fish, Eat or Both
jefg99: Come By Foot, Car or Boat
jefg99: Just on the Other Side of the Grass
jefg99: Paradise Found