hannibal1107: Heroes of the Dark Continent
hannibal1107: J. Trump and Bro., Kahoka MO
hannibal1107: Crocodile Hunt
hannibal1107: Heroes of the Dark Continent Title Page
hannibal1107: Frontispiece
hannibal1107: Frontispiece
hannibal1107: Wildlife in the African Forest
hannibal1107: Fight in the Desert
hannibal1107: Beside Afric's Ruins
hannibal1107: A Market Scene in Sofala in 1505
hannibal1107: Fort At Sofala
hannibal1107: Gold Mining Region of Sofala
hannibal1107: Agriculture in Africa
hannibal1107: African Elephants in the Sofala Country
hannibal1107: Melinde
hannibal1107: Falls of the Nile
hannibal1107: Falls of the Nile
hannibal1107: Hanging On For Dear Life
hannibal1107: Heroes of the Dark Continent
hannibal1107: On the Border of the Atlas Mountains
hannibal1107: A Fellah's family
hannibal1107: Arabs Hunting Unarmed Negroes
hannibal1107: Crocodile Seizing the Negro Guide
hannibal1107: Stibb's Ascent of the Niger
hannibal1107: Victims of Portuguese Slave Hunters
hannibal1107: Lander's Journey down the Niger
hannibal1107: Dr. Davidson prescribing for the Sick
hannibal1107: Overwag and Barth before the King of Timbuctoo
hannibal1107: On the Shores of Lake Tchad
hannibal1107: After Gericault's Wreck of the Medusa (1791)