tasawa69: leaving town - rush hour
tasawa69: Air down
tasawa69: Making the grade
tasawa69: perched
tasawa69: agave
tasawa69: Calcite
tasawa69: Round the bend
tasawa69: Cortez Family Trailer
tasawa69: fronds
tasawa69: Coyote creek crossing
tasawa69: Look who's driving!
tasawa69: crank
tasawa69: up the grade
tasawa69: Home Sweet Home
tasawa69: Creek light
tasawa69: gold
tasawa69: the falls
tasawa69: molten metal?
tasawa69: evening reflections
tasawa69: golden light
tasawa69: Cloud maker
tasawa69: layers
tasawa69: Sunset (first night)
tasawa69: The Compensator....
tasawa69: Ocotillo in bloom!
tasawa69: Ocotillos in bloom
tasawa69: Storm clouds
tasawa69: backlit
tasawa69: Agave in bloom
tasawa69: shadow