tasawa69: leggy
tasawa69: Villa Savoye
tasawa69: cantilever
tasawa69: blue waves
tasawa69: Yellow curves
tasawa69: gradient of green
tasawa69: skylights
tasawa69: blue / lights
tasawa69: curves
tasawa69: white
tasawa69: heading down
tasawa69: green glass bridge
tasawa69: mast
tasawa69: holding the line
tasawa69: fins
tasawa69: cable ends
tasawa69: arched back (gotta clean the lens!)
tasawa69: reaching for the sky
tasawa69: enjoying the view
tasawa69: cables
tasawa69: elevated walkway
tasawa69: Along the canal
tasawa69: (almost) perfect alignment
tasawa69: Alignment
tasawa69: pyramid reflections
tasawa69: Pyramid
tasawa69: Corbu stair
tasawa69: terrasse
tasawa69: lines and curves
tasawa69: living room