tasawa69: blue glass
tasawa69: pool swirl
tasawa69: sky / building
tasawa69: breezy blues
tasawa69: blue stripes
tasawa69: paint squares
tasawa69: Roys
tasawa69: floating away
tasawa69: where did that orange one come from?
tasawa69: Reflections of the photographer: Blue
tasawa69: Evil Eye tree
tasawa69: Blu Monkey
tasawa69: "New Mosque" textures
tasawa69: stained glass
tasawa69: reflected clouds
tasawa69: aquamarine
tasawa69: Thorns
tasawa69: blue light
tasawa69: blue umbrella
tasawa69: beneath the surface
tasawa69: ready for my closeup
tasawa69: Agave
tasawa69: reeds
tasawa69: passing the baton
tasawa69: 2005BirdandMoonatBlake
tasawa69: checkerboard
tasawa69: Gas Station
tasawa69: pool lines
tasawa69: Circles and lines
tasawa69: Bark 1