[-Sherri-]: Three of a Kind
[-Sherri-]: Summer Evening
[-Sherri-]: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
[-Sherri-]: Ehm...Are you Going to Eat That?
[-Sherri-]: Pleasant Journey
[-Sherri-]: Tenderness
[-Sherri-]: Sniff...
[-Sherri-]: Silver Lining
[-Sherri-]: A Bit O'Sun
[-Sherri-]: Happy Birthday
[-Sherri-]: Awakening
[-Sherri-]: Little Red Riding Hood
[-Sherri-]: One of My Favorite Places
[-Sherri-]: Paradise
[-Sherri-]: Sans Mots
[-Sherri-]: God's Light on My River
[-Sherri-]: Just Around the Corner
[-Sherri-]: A Walk Down Memory Lane
[-Sherri-]: Reminiscence
[-Sherri-]: The Colors of the Rainbow So Pretty in the Sky
[-Sherri-]: On Top of the World
[-Sherri-]: The Hope of the Nation, Inauguration 2009 - Remixed by Angela : )
[-Sherri-]: I've been tagged
[-Sherri-]: Japanese train station food, (i.e. Mike's lunch on the shinkansen (bullet train))
[-Sherri-]: Golden Gate Bridge
[-Sherri-]: "it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln
[-Sherri-]: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. - Churchill
[-Sherri-]: Orange
[-Sherri-]: pidgeons and kids
[-Sherri-]: To New Beginnings