wanna race me?
I see you ; )
I ain't afraid of no ghosts
Sam at work at the Lincoln Memorial
big sloppy wet kisses for you!
Sam and Abe
Love at first site
Sam and the monument
My, what big teeth you have, Grandma!
Sam goes to Washington
He he... I want to eat that heron... : )
Sampson 2 with tennis ball
Money Can't Buy Me Love... But Pepperoni Can Buy Me This Shot! : )
Dog + Play + Snow = Euphoria :-)
Ehm...Are you Going to Eat That?
Yeah, That's the Spot
Three of a Kind
(Uncle) Sam goes to Washington
Speak Up!
I'm WAY Cuter Than Him
Where Did They go?
Sam Sends his Love
Sans Mots
the River King
The Dog Walk