baloochester(more than slow): What's this ??? !
baloochester(more than slow): At last ! I'm back home !!!
baloochester(more than slow): Don't touch it ! That's mine !
baloochester(more than slow): Chester loves Baloo
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo is not so nice at welcoming Chester home !!
baloochester(more than slow): Brotherly love...and not always so much love !
baloochester(more than slow): Chester as a baby
baloochester(more than slow): What a serious look !
baloochester(more than slow): Chester, stop licking your nose, will you !
baloochester(more than slow): Exploring the garden
baloochester(more than slow): I'm fed up with your camera ! Give me a cuddle !
baloochester(more than slow): Sleeping is so tiring !
baloochester(more than slow): You can't catch me !
baloochester(more than slow): Chester on top of the world
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo chasing Chester
baloochester(more than slow): I think I can smell butter in the air !
baloochester(more than slow): Why do you humans always first put empty plates on the table ??
baloochester(more than slow): Look at me ! I'm here !
baloochester(more than slow): At last !Chester enjoying a kiss in his neck
baloochester(more than slow): I feel comfy in Baloo's hair
baloochester(more than slow): Silly snoring Baloo !!! Zzzzz Zzzzz
baloochester(more than slow): Wake up, Baloo ! I want to play !!
baloochester(more than slow): Observing the birds
baloochester(more than slow): Please, let me in !
baloochester(more than slow): I'm a naughty boy and...I like it !
baloochester(more than slow): I'm the scariest hunter !
baloochester(more than slow): In the cherry tree
baloochester(more than slow): Chester and his ribbon