baloochester(more than slow): Baloo warming up his nose !
baloochester(more than slow): Chester loves Baloo
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo is not so nice at welcoming Chester home !!
baloochester(more than slow): Brotherly love...and not always so much love !
baloochester(more than slow): Shall I stay in or not?
baloochester(more than slow): I think I've heard a bird...
baloochester(more than slow): Who dares disturbing me in my sleep ?
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo chasing Chester
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo's "I'm going to pounce on Chester" look.
baloochester(more than slow): At last !Chester enjoying a kiss in his neck
baloochester(more than slow): Silly snoring Baloo !!! Zzzzz Zzzzz
baloochester(more than slow): Wake up, Baloo ! I want to play !!
baloochester(more than slow): Observing his prey
baloochester(more than slow): I love sleeping !
baloochester(more than slow): My handsome daydreamer...
baloochester(more than slow): I promise, I'm not lying in wait for Chester !
baloochester(more than slow): Baloo spying on Chester from the stairs
baloochester(more than slow): Leave me alone, will you Baloo ? !
baloochester(more than slow): Help ! I need somebody help !
baloochester(more than slow): Do you know that I love you Baloo? !!
baloochester(more than slow): Tickle ! Tickle !
baloochester(more than slow): Lost in his thoughts...
baloochester(more than slow): About to catch...
baloochester(more than slow): I'm just being playful...