marcoswed: Window
marcoswed: The town through the autumntree
marcoswed: Houses in sunset and rain
marcoswed: Swedish glass
marcoswed: Work of art /installations/design-collage
marcoswed: Work of art/installation/design. Outside exhibition in the town Boras in Sweden.
marcoswed: Work of art/installation/design. Outside exhibition in the town Boras in Sweden.
marcoswed: FLYING CARPET !!
marcoswed: Mirror installation
marcoswed: Mirror in a little place of flower!
marcoswed: Old window
marcoswed: Pinocchio in Sweden
marcoswed: Old textilemanufacture in Sweden
marcoswed: University of library, Sweden
marcoswed: South of Sweden
marcoswed: Sweden
marcoswed: Old carwindows
marcoswed: Face
marcoswed: Happy singin mouth
marcoswed: All happy notes
marcoswed: Happy singing mouth
marcoswed: Happy singing mouth
marcoswed: Happy note
marcoswed: Happy nots
marcoswed: Flash
marcoswed: Happy singing hart
marcoswed: River and art in Swden
marcoswed: River and art in Sweden
marcoswed: Art 2
marcoswed: Art 1