Photo_History: Edward Amos Hartwell and Family - A Daguerreotype with a Name
Photo_History: Sherman's Grand Army - Washington DC - 1/2 of a Civil War Stereo
Photo_History: Officers on Flagship Philadelphia, Charleston Harbor
Photo_History: This Day in History - The Raising of the Flag at Fort Sumter, April 14, 1865
Photo_History: Lincoln and the Union Commanders - Cabinet Card
Photo_History: Tintype - Lookout Mountain (new scan)
Photo_History: A Village Wedding - Cabinet Card
Photo_History: Kingsbridge School - Cabinet Card
Photo_History: United Confederate Veterans Reunion - Decatur, Texas 1906 * Update
Photo_History: Scene from the Opera "Parsifal" by Richard Wagner - Tenor, Ernest Marie Hubert van Dyck and The Dead Swan
Photo_History: Scene from the Opera "Parsifal" by Richard Wagner - Tenor Ernest Marie Hubert van Dyck as Parsifal and the Flower Maidens
Photo_History: The Seven Sutherland Sisters - Cabinet Card
Photo_History: Patent Medicine Peddler - Horse and Wagon
Photo_History: Theodore Roosevelt's Inauguration - 1905
Photo_History: Tintype of a Tennis Party
Photo_History: The Depp Family
Photo_History: Family Group with Added Members
Photo_History: Family Group Plus Absent Grandfather
Photo_History: Danville, Illinois Police Department, 1907
Photo_History: Jack's Great-grandfather's Saloon c. 1910
Photo_History: A Basket of Babies - Real Photo Postcard
Photo_History: Memorial Day in the Philippines
Photo_History: Seaside in a Studio - German Cabinet Card
Photo_History: The Young Ladies Art Class
Photo_History: Home Interior with Family Group - Half of Stereo Glass Negative
Photo_History: Mocking family
Photo_History: Family with Black Eyed Susans
Photo_History: Berlin School - 1902
Photo_History: Boating Party 2
Photo_History: Cloud with Spirit Faces - Ada Emma Deane - Real Photo Postcard