Photo_History: This Day in History - January 22, 1901 - Queen Victoria Dies - *Montage with Photographs by Theo Townshend
Photo_History: 19th Century Watercolor Painting with Photographs Added
Photo_History: Detail of 19th Century Watercolor Painting with Photographs Added
Photo_History: Somebody's Luggage - A Minature Tom Thumb Album/Locket
Photo_History: Somebody's Luggage - A Minature Tom Thumb Album/Locket
Photo_History: Somebody's Luggage - A Minature Tom Thumb Album/Locket
Photo_History: Trinket box - Margate Jetty
Photo_History: Trinket box open - Margate Jetty
Photo_History: Photographs on China
Photo_History: Memorial Picture Frame with Wool Flowers and Carte de Visite
Photo_History: Carte de Viste in Memorial Frame
Photo_History: Shadow Box - Wedding Cabinet Card with Veil and Buttoner
Photo_History: Shadow Box - Wedding Cabinet Card with Veil and Buttoner - Detail
Photo_History: Victorian Glass Funeral Urn with Tinted Photograph of Lillian Russell - *Updated information **No it is not her funeral urn!
Photo_History: Photograph of Lillian Russell on a Victorian Glass Funeral Urn *Updated information
Photo_History: Porcelain Napkin Ring with Carbon Photograph of a Woman
Photo_History: Everything Old is New Again! Photo Napkin Rings
Photo_History: Shaving Mug with Carbon Photograph of a Woman - 1910
Photo_History: Porcelain Portrait Plaque of a Woman for a Gravestone
Photo_History: A Table Full of Photographic Paperweights, Pin Dishes, and China
Photo_History: Porcelain Pipe with Carbon Photograph
Photo_History: Heart Shaped Porcelain Dish with Carbon Photograph of a Grandmother
Photo_History: Cream & Sugar with Photographs of a Baby
Photo_History: Sugar Bowl with Photograph of a Baby *
Photo_History: Two Shelves in Our China Cabinet - China and Glass Embelleshed with Photographs
Photo_History: Glass Pin Dish with Foil, Cigar Bands, and Photograph
Photo_History: Glass Pin Dish with Cigar Bands, and Photographs of a Family
Photo_History: Glass Pin Dish with Cigar Bands and a Photograph
Photo_History: Glass Paperweight with Cigar Bands and Photograph
Photo_History: Tintype from 19th Century French "Photo Booth"