Photo_History: Longaberger Headquarters - Newark, Ohio
Photo_History: The Big Duck - Flanders, NY
Photo_History: Haines Shoe House - Hallam, Pennsylvania
Photo_History: Phrenological Reflections 1
Photo_History: Phrenological Reflections 2
Photo_History: Phrenological Reflections 3
Photo_History: Phrenology and Palmistry in Color
Photo_History: Phrenology and Palmistry in Color
Photo_History: Phrenology Still Life by Jack
Photo_History: This Day in History - The Second Tuesday in February - "Extraterrestrial Culture Day" in New Mexico
Photo_History: Welcome to Roswell - Believe
Photo_History: Welcome to Roswell - Coke - The Alien's Soft Drink of Choice
Photo_History: Welcome to Roswell - Zone II Alien HQ
Photo_History: Macroscape - Potassium Ferrocyanide
Photo_History: Macroscape - Cellophane
Photo_History: Macroscape - Epson Salts
Photo_History: Babbage's Difference Engine - Computer History Museum
Photo_History: Closeup of The Babbage's Difference Engine - Computer History Museum
Photo_History: Closeup of The Babbage's Difference Engine - Computer History Museum
Photo_History: Boy with a Hand Grenade - Paris Graffiti, 1985 - Homage to Diane Arbus
Photo_History: Building the Orrery in the Studio
Photo_History: Photographing the Orrery in the Studio
Photo_History: The Brass Orrery - Model Solar System
Photo_History: The Orrery on an End Table in our Living Room
Photo_History: Studio Lights - Progress in Setting Up the Studio
Photo_History: Ocotber 19, 2012 RIP Big Tex (1952-2012) - Destroyed by Fire
Photo_History: Jack as a 19th Century Photographer - MICA Studio 1970s
Photo_History: Jack as a 19th Century Photographer #2 - MICA Studio 1970s
Photo_History: Photogenic Drawings of Lacock Ferns - A Tribute to Talbot, 1985