loweonthego: day lillies in Onancock
loweonthego: Onancock Creek
loweonthego: Kerr Place
loweonthego: Kerr Place
loweonthego: snowy solitude
loweonthego: Table for Two at The Inn at Perry Cabin
loweonthego: coming or going - there are bridges everywhere
loweonthego: Garden Warrior in Onancock
loweonthego: No Wake on Onancock Creek
loweonthego: tombstone at Cokesbury
loweonthego: tombstones at Cokesbury
loweonthego: day lillies in Onancock pt2
loweonthego: daylillies in Onancock pt3
loweonthego: daylillies in Onancock pt4
loweonthego: yellow daylillies in Onancock
loweonthego: you talkin to me?
loweonthego: seagull
loweonthego: submarine and escort crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and heading into Norfolk Naval Base
loweonthego: Assateague wildlife
loweonthego: Assateague wildlife
loweonthego: Island graffiti
loweonthego: windows
loweonthego: the fishing fleet
loweonthego: more windows
loweonthego: a church? a fort?
loweonthego: the fishing fleet
loweonthego: the fishing fleet
loweonthego: The Roller Rink
loweonthego: Roller Girl
loweonthego: Roller Girl