Brian Rome Photography: nightime view - downtown
Brian Rome Photography: evening walk across Front Street
Brian Rome Photography: look up, way up
Brian Rome Photography: the forgotten
Brian Rome Photography: upward construction
Brian Rome Photography: looking out east from Nathan Philips Square
Brian Rome Photography: early morning christmas
Brian Rome Photography: reflective & festive
Brian Rome Photography: a downtown christmas
Brian Rome Photography: carnival midway
Brian Rome Photography: golden midway
Brian Rome Photography: inside the old dodge
Brian Rome Photography: front and centre
Brian Rome Photography: pink umbrellas
Brian Rome Photography: sitting in the red
Brian Rome Photography: downtown traffic
Brian Rome Photography: down christmas
Brian Rome Photography: A Red Tailed hawk, a sight seldom seen this time of year.
Brian Rome Photography: SItting, waiting
Brian Rome Photography: Toronto Marathon - Runner up Front
Brian Rome Photography: Toronto - the day comes to an end