winglessangel383838: july 27 (83)
winglessangel383838: Cute little family!
winglessangel383838: 1st Kiss as Mr. & Mrs.
winglessangel383838: My baby at the reception
winglessangel383838: Our little princess
winglessangel383838: She was an adorable little pixie!
winglessangel383838: The Friends pose!
winglessangel383838: Nice bling ladies!
winglessangel383838: Now those are rings!
winglessangel383838: Love at first bite!
winglessangel383838: The two shall become one...
winglessangel383838: I now pronounce you husband and wife...
winglessangel383838: Who gives her...
winglessangel383838: The details!
winglessangel383838: Mother and daughter!
winglessangel383838: The happy couple!
winglessangel383838: It's been so fun watching these 2 grow up together!
winglessangel383838: Loved this light!
winglessangel383838: And they lived happily ever after...
winglessangel383838: My portrait! Hehe!
winglessangel383838: So beautiful
winglessangel383838: She almost glows she looks so Heavenly
winglessangel383838: Who says you can't use an artichoke in your floral display!