winglessangel383838: Just plain cool!
winglessangel383838: My Uncle & Aunt's church
winglessangel383838: Blue skies and sunshine!
winglessangel383838: Primary colors!
winglessangel383838: Freshly caught ... poor little guy!
winglessangel383838: Mom, Father Christmas, Aunt Mizella
winglessangel383838: I'll take a Santa neat!
winglessangel383838: All we could do was laugh!
winglessangel383838: You can't make this shit up people!
winglessangel383838: Good morning!
winglessangel383838: Chess for teens?
winglessangel383838: Kansas City here we come!
winglessangel383838: Couldn't get much more perfect!
winglessangel383838: I just love books!
winglessangel383838: Reminds me of a library from the movies!
winglessangel383838: A 5 story library
winglessangel383838: 3 bears chairs? Just missing one!
winglessangel383838: You can't show that in the kids department!
winglessangel383838: Little fella found a good book!
winglessangel383838: If only my dining room could look like this!
winglessangel383838: Chess anyone?
winglessangel383838: There is reason in the chaos...
winglessangel383838: Who knew they had magnet paint!?
winglessangel383838: Now that's an entrance!