winglessangel383838: 2 lighthouses!
winglessangel383838: Our hotel the last night!
winglessangel383838: Wreath factory
winglessangel383838: Wild Blueberry Land
winglessangel383838: What kind of boat is this?
winglessangel383838: Like ships passing in the night!
winglessangel383838: A fairy forest!
winglessangel383838: King of the hill!
winglessangel383838: Does this ship make my butt look big?
winglessangel383838: The Margaret Todd
winglessangel383838: There she is!
winglessangel383838: To light your way
winglessangel383838: The Castlemaine - our hotel
winglessangel383838: Neat window display
winglessangel383838: Yummy gelato!
winglessangel383838: That's a lot of bling!
winglessangel383838: Bling madness
winglessangel383838: Window shopping again
winglessangel383838: If you're ever in Bar Harbor - follow that finger! Yummy!
winglessangel383838: The ocean claimed him as her own
winglessangel383838: Sailor at rest
winglessangel383838: Side by side forever
winglessangel383838: Gifts from the sea
winglessangel383838: Beach offerings!
winglessangel383838: A very Scottish appeal!