digital defect: Eco-friendly Air-Conditioning.
digital defect: Venetian Windows.
digital defect: One balcony, three windows and four arches.
digital defect: Windows do not have to be boring.
digital defect: The Napoleonic wing in Piazza San Marco.
digital defect: Mediterranean Breeze.
digital defect: Shutters.
digital defect: Basilica di San Marco
digital defect: A Very Still Life.
digital defect: Window, bars and columns.
digital defect: Elegant front door.
digital defect: Another Cruise-ship has landed.
digital defect: Backwater.
digital defect: Keeping-out the Heat.
digital defect: All Sizes Available.
digital defect: Polished Floor.
digital defect: Flat Roofs not allowed.
digital defect: Time-keepers.
digital defect: Beauty in Repetition
digital defect: Working on the top of the world.
digital defect: Windows and People.
digital defect: Reflections in an old distressed mirror.
digital defect: Piazza San Marco with the Basilica
digital defect: Dancing Shoes.
digital defect: Under repair.
digital defect: The Start of Another Working-day.
digital defect: Canalside street.
digital defect: Spare Seat.
digital defect: Detail of the Bridge of Sighs